In 1978 the school terrain consisted of a few buildings surrounded by grass and bushes. During this time an open field in Limpopo Avenue and The Irene Oval were used to practice sports. During 1979 the teachers and the headmaster helped to plough fields and plant grass in order to develop the sport fields. The teachers were very involved in the development of the school and Dr. Opperman and the male teachers laid the cement alongside the hall as well as in the quad. Everyone worked hard, continuously planting more trees and shrubs and slowly the school fields were formed.
During Dr Viljoen’s term of office all-weather tennis courts were laid, a second rugby field was laid out and floodlights were erected on both rugby fields. Our school was the first Primary school with floodlights in Gauteng!
Under Mrs Claassen’s watch, the school’s old irrigation system has been developed into an extended micro-irrigation system. The new pavilion was erected and the old fence around the school was replaced by a palisade fence. A lapa was added for recreational activities and a new Tuck shop was built. The school now also boasts two new Grade R classes as well as a new Grade 3 class block. Whilst our space is finite and thus we are limited in our growth potential, the school aims to continuously upgrade and improve our terrain and facilities. A watch house was built, as well as the Principals office and canopies at the sport field.